Like Minded Deviants
Like-Minded Deviants with Dr. Lindy Backues, Jon-Michael Odean, and Justin Stewart-Fritz is a podcast that seeks to deviate from the norm. As two of Lindy’s former graduate students, Justin and Jon-Michael bring an extended friendship with him cultivated over years, enriched by their present ministries, life as educators, a good dose of grassroots practitioning, and deep respect as close friends and colleagues. Each week these three come prepared to engage in a provocative conversation. A conversation that intentionally and sometimes irreverently unpacks events and ideas plucked from newspapers and headlines, unashamedly channeling these conversations through a theologically jarring lens.
Podcasting since 2021 • 28 episodes
Like Minded Deviants
Latest Episodes
A Language for Growth: Attempting to Name the Mystical
In previous episodes we have suggested the importance to push beyond deconstruction into a process of reconstruction. We believe such a move to not only be possible, but helpful. What does such a move look like? How can we tal...
Season 2
Episode 6

Evangelicalism Part 5: Moving to Reconstruct through Streams of Mysticism
Over the course of this season, we have been making a case for deconstruction of the traditional Evangelical faith system. We have been saying that healthy moves and progress are often found as one throws off the legalism and the surveillance m...
Season 2
Episode 5

Evangelicalism Part 4: Deconstruction Continued; Moving from Fundamentalist to Secularist, Arriving at the Mystical
Deconstruction is a word that one finds floating around in Christian circles quite a bit lately. For some, the term promises liberating possibilities, an open door allowing fresh air into a context that has long felt stifled. ...
Season 2
Episode 4

Evangelicalism Part 3: Deconstruction
Get ready for part 3 of our Evangelicalism series where JM, JSF, and Dr. Lindy Backues discuss deconstruction in light of our context in Evangelical America today. This conversation ranges from discussing why deconstruction can sometimes ...
Season 2
Episode 3

Evangelicalism Part 2: What's up with "Christianese"? The language of Evangelicalism in America; why it matters and the baggage it brings.
Join us for our first Friday release for the second episode in the "Evangelicalism" module, where Lindy, JSF, and JM dive deep into a conversation on "Christianese" in America today (yes we know--very "meta'). It is commonplace knowledg...
Season 2
Episode 2