Like Minded Deviants

Evangelicalism Part 5: Moving to Reconstruct through Streams of Mysticism

Dr. Lindy Backues, Justin Stewart-Fritz, Jon-Michael Odean Season 2 Episode 5

Over the course of this season, we have been making a case for deconstruction of the traditional Evangelical faith system. We have been saying that healthy moves and progress are often found as one throws off the legalism and the surveillance mentality found in much of American Evangelical faith systems. Maturity can result in the loss of a person's cherished Evangelical faith system, landing the journeyer in a place of skepticism, doubt, and secularism. As we have said, this can be a move toward health and growth. However, there is still room to move on through secularism/skepticism toward a position of mysticism, wonder, and humility. We describe what that can look like, leaning on our own journeys as examples of that type of progress.

In this episode we attempt to tease out three potential forms that mysticism can take: (1) classical mysticism, (2) post-modern/post-Evangelical mysticism, and (3) mysticism that finds conceptual funding and inspiration in moves toward liberation and a focus on the poor.

Have a listen to see if this makes sense.  We think it does.  We also feel it might give listeners inspiration to identify other forms of humble mysticism, a maturing move toward mystical and humble connections with the divine.

So, join us as we discuss the path towards reconstruction on a journey to mysticism from skepticism and speak about how that process has played out in our lives!

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